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Licener er en hårshampoo der dræber både lus og luseæg effektivt. En enkelt behandling er nok til at eliminere alle hovedlus og luseæg. Pakken indeholder shampoo og en lusekam Engangsbehandling mod lus og luseæg. Licener er dokumenteret 100% effektiv på 10 minutter og er kun baseret på naturlige aktive indholdsstoffer. Licener er hudvenlig og lugtfri, og ingen yderligere vask eller kæmning er nødvendig. Læs indlægsseddelen nøje inden anvendelse af Licener.
  • Licener er tilpasset børn fra 2 år og opefter og voksne. Må ikke anvendes til børn under 2 år.
  • Licener bør ikke anvendes af personer som er overfølsomme overfor noget i indholdet af produktet
  • Undgå at få Licener i øjnene, det kan virke irriterende. Ved kontakt med øjnene, skyl med rigeligt vand.
  • Ved en eventuel allergisk reaktion eller anden bivirkning, afslut omgående behandlingen, kontakt en læge og medbring indlægsseddel.
  • Ved graviditet eller amning, anbefales det at du kontakter din læge inden behandling med Licener.
  • Licener skal opbevares ved 5 - 25°C og utilgængeligt for børn.
  • Kun til udvortes brug.
HårtypeNormalt hår


Licener is a head lice shampoo that kills lice and their eggs in one treatment. Licener has proven its effectiveness through clinical studies done on children suffering from head lice. The shampoo is soft on the skin and hair, does not sting and has a neutral odour. The active ingredient in Licener is the natural Neem-extract, originating from the Neem tree. Licener is easy to use and works rapidly, in only 10 minutes. Licener consists of: 1. A 100ml bottle with Licener shampoo, which is based on the ingredients: Neem-extract, Aqua, Polyglyceryl-3 Caprate, Cocamido propyl Betaine, Glyceryl Laurate, Glycerin, Lauryl Glucoside, Dicaprylyl Ether, Lauryl Alcohol, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzoic Acid, Sorbic Acid, Dimethyl Glutarate and Dimethyl Adipate. 2. This information leaflet containing all the information you need to know about head lice and how to use Licener. How does Licener work? The shampoo contains the ingredient Neem-extract. This extract ensures that the breathing apparatus of the lice is flooded, whereby the oxygen transportation is disrupted. The extract will also infiltrate the lice-eggs, thereby suffocating the lice-eggs. In this way Licener kills both the lice and lice-eggs in only one treatment. What is head lice? Head lice are bloodsucking parasites without wings, that feed on human blood. Head lice and lice-eggs prefer warm and dark places on the scalp. Therefore, they are often found behind the ears, along the hairline and in the neck. The colour of the lice can vary from
sandy-coloured to nearly black. After they have fed on blood they become dark red. The life cycle has three stages: eggs, nymphs and adults. The female louse attaches the eggs to the hair with a kind of
glue, no more than 1 mm from the scalp. The eggs take 7 to 10 days to hatch. The development from nymph to lice takes approximately 7 days. The adult female lice can then lay up to 10 eggs per day.
Important: Licener is suitable for adults and children from 2 years of age. No research has been done with Licener on children under the age of 2. Licener should not be used if the person is allergic to any of the ingredients contained in Licener. Licener can cause slight eye irritation like any shampoo. Avoid contact with eyes, in case of contact rinse eyes thoroughly with water. In case of a sensitive or allergic reaction or any other undesirable effect, discontinue use and consult your doctor. If you consider to use this product during pregnancy or breastfeeding, we highly recommend you to consult your doctor first. Please store between 5 - 25ºC and out of reach and sight of children. For external use only. Do not use after the expiry date, see back label. Licener is a Medical Device. If Licener is applied in a bath or sink made of acrylate plastic, please rinse immediately with water to prevent stains. Painted finger nails may be damaged by Licener. Wear disposable gloves to protect your nails.
Neem-extract, Aqua, Polyglyceryl-3 Caprate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Glyceryl Laurate, Glycerin, Lauryl Glucoside, Dicaprylyl Ether, Lauryl Alcohol, Benzyl Alcohol, Benzoic Acid, Sorbic Acid, Dimethyl Glutarate, Dimethyl Adipate.

OBS: Der kan være små uoverensstemmelser mellem ovenstående indhold og indholdsdeklarationen på den vare, du som kunde modtager fra Matas. Vi anbefaler derfor, at du altid tjekker indholdsdeklarationen på det fysiske produkt, du modtager.

Indhold100 ml
Enhedspris1.299,50 kr./l
Se altVegansk Luseshampoo
Se altLicener Luseshampoo
FabrikantPharmaxim AB
Örjaleden 48
26151 Landskrona
Fabrikant kontaktconsumer@pharmaxim.com

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